Aidan Dunlap
Snow Cones!
The summer of 2019, I worked as a camp counselor at a small arts camp in Maine called Camp Med-O-Lark.
One class block, I thought it would be fun if I tried to teach a class on snow cones. So, I developed a curriculum where we tried making a new flavor every class, often making recipes up from scratch. It was really, really fun, with the class filling up super early by the second time it was offered. I hope to keep up this experimentation here!
Here are all of the flavors I/we've made so far. We used fresh ingredients for all fruit/vegetable flavors:
- Kool-Aid (4 different types, all good)
- Lemon(ade)
- Fresh mango
- Coconut
- Mint
- Cucumber
- Kiwi
- Broccoli (do not recommend)
- Condensed milk (Taiwanese)
- Maple Syrup
- Banana
- Blueberry
- Strawberry
- Raspberry
Current favorite: Mint!